An innovative strategy for developing leaders
Because CWR believes that organizations thrive only when they have strong leadership, we have long provided guidance on the subject of leadership development. We have provided executive coaching for new leaders, helped a community foundation support leaders of color, and written on the subject of executive learning.
We know that organizations need to do leadership development for their mission. So it with special satisfaction that we are working for an organization that engages in leadership development as its very own mission. The Beatitudes Society exists to identify and equip emerging leaders for the progressive Christian community. It has turned to CWR to formulate a new strategic plan for its next phase of growth.
Because the Society has limited resources, we are steering the organization towards strategies that leverage its impact. This includes creating a high profile program that identifies entrepreneurial young leaders, awards them with financial resources for a new project, builds their social capital (with each other and with other experts), and also provides spiritual encouragement.
This program represents a new idea for the progressive Christian community and various parties external to the Society have hailed it as an important innovation. We're proud to be partners with them and are eager to see a whole new cadre of young leaders emerge.